Saturday, February 24, 2007

Testing, Testing, 1..2..3..

This weekend is going to be filled with lots and lots o'testing and learning for Geek Girl! I am in the process of creating a test video Podcast and hopefully will post it by Monday to see how it works with this Blog tool. Stay tuned! I'll need all of YOUR comments and feedback in order to create the most helpful, informative Podcast EVER. (Ok, not EVER, but close).

Just one quick note...I've changed the settings to allow you all to post comments, questions, and/or suggestions without having to give any info. You can remain Anonymous, just how some of you like it. :)

Lastly, I'm putting out a call to ALL of YOU to send me your questions and suggestions on video podcast topics. They can be questions about anything from using software to email to internet to digital cameras to iPod's to peripherals to fonts! Anything that you struggle with in daily life, even if you think it's silly; I bet you it's not, and I bet you I've been asked about it before! I've got most of the season mapped out, but I'd love to do a few episodes that are "BLOGGER's CHOICE" topics. You can also email me reasonably sized questions as video files...I'm hoping to gather enough video questions from you all to dedicate a special Podcast to you all at the end of my "season" that will feature your "live" questions! What do you think? I think it will be really fun and exciting. But then again, I am a geek. ;)

Post your topics, questions and suggestions in the COMMENTS section or email me at To those of you who have already emailed me, thanks for the feedback!! For the rest of you, let's talk!

Cheers and happy weekend,

Geek Girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love your site /blog Daria!!!!